Shopping Madness

So this beautiful sunny morning I went out with my mom for some house shopping.

There were some things missing from the kitchen (like, salt & pepper dispensers, it was kind of dramatic to try and salt the salad from the big salt box….a small frying pan to fry an egg when you don’t want to cook for 6 people….) and some things I wanted to get both for practical use and looks, like a doormat and a kitchen math to put in front of the sink. Also, I finally found some decent “fake” sunflowers to put in the vase on the table so now it’s very much Van Gogh style. I’m very happy with the result of this shopping morning, I’m not used to spend money on this kind of things and I have to admit that there’s something addictive to it: once my brain starts to spin its wheels about what would look nice in the house and I actually start to actively look around for those things, it’s very good for the soul once I finally found them….

I hope to be able to take a small trip this afternoon, since it’s officially my last day of holiday; I proposed to my parents to go a bit up in the mountain to the sanctuary of Oropa and lake Mucrone, or alternatively to go to lake Orta , both places offer stunning view and photo opportunities… we will see.

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. visanideth
    Aug 29, 2011 @ 14:49:59

    And then you went to Piedicavallo!


  2. visanideth
    Aug 29, 2011 @ 17:07:26

    Your momma fails at info.


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